
Sunday, June 30, 2019

Papercraft Business Challenge - Up in the Air

Hello, crafty friends! Today begins a new monthly challenge over at the Papercraft Business Challenge Blog! Our theme for this month is....UP IN THE AIR! What a fun thing to work on! Before you read on, check to see if you were a winner for last month's challenge over at the Papercraft Blog! Here is the prize for this month's challenge:
What great projects you could make with this one! Now on to my project:

For this challenge, I decided to go with a tag. I already had in my stash some Julie Netting product, which included a wooden doll with a kite. I should have taken a before picture of it, but I forgot.  So I've linked it to the Prima website HERE. This is the tag I made:
For the tag base, I used some of the pre-cut tags from Julie Nutting. I got out my Distress Oxide Inks...LOVE them...and added various colors. I then got out my wooden doll and kite and colored them with my Spectrum Noir color markers. With that done, I added some stamps and embellishments. Instead of adding lace at the bottom, I just used a floral acrylic stamp. And she was done! Easy peasy, right? (Although the ink seemed to bleed a little, it ended up better than I thought it would.)

I hope that you will join us for the July challenge! Up in the Air could mean anything....a kite, a butterfly, a plane, etc....You choose and show us what you created! Thank you for stopping by!

Blessings, Jeanie Ellis - Scrapbookingmamaw